Piratemania Geocoin

This geocoin was produced for ‘Piratemania 7 (2014)’ mega event.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique GoldRENot KnownMaterial: Metal
Size: 56.5mm x 41.5mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: PG
Year: 2014
Designer: Piratemania Committee and Oakcoins
Producer: Oakcoins

This geocoin is in the shape of a skull and cross bones. The face of the skull and cross bones is on Side A with the name of the mega event “Piratemania”. Side B is black with the mega event name “Piratemania”, pirate saying “its a pirates life for me Arrrrr” and trackable code. The trackable icon is the generic trackable logo.



Icon Figure
Piratemania 7 (2014) Geocaching Mega Event on the Geocaching.com Website
Personal Communication with NE Geocaching Supplies