The First 30 Geocoin

This geocoin was produced to celebrate the 30th anniversary of 9th West Lothian Scout Group.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Polished SilverRE500Material: Metal
Size: 44mm
Depth: 4.3mm
Prefix: PC
Year: 2008
Designer: Scout and about
Producer: Oakcoins

The logos of the scout movements are shown on Side A with a shield with 30 years at the centre of Side A and background being the country flag of Scotland. Side B shows a campfire with two tents and mountains in the background which holds the trackable code, around the outside is details of the scout group. The trackable code is the tents and campfire from Side B of the geocoin.



Icon Figure
30 Years Commemorative Geocoin on the 9th West Lothian Scout Group Website
Personal Communication with Scout and about