Dartmoor National Park 2016 Geocoin

This geocoin was produced as part of the annual series representing the Dartmoor National Park.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique GoldRE400
(Tracking Codes)
Material: Metal
Size: 37.7mm
Depth: 3.7mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2015
Designer: Dartmoor Dave and Landsharkz
Producer: Landsharkz

Side A shows the text “Dartmoor National Park” at the top on a red ring and “Haytor Rocks” at the bottom, in the centre is an image of the rocks. Side B shows a red ring around the outside with the Dartmoor Geocaching website at the top and text “Caching in the Wild” at the bottom, in the centre is a map of Dartmoor with year “2016” and trackable code. The trackable icon is a dark brown lion on a light brown square.



Icon Figure
Trackable List on the Geocaching Website
Dartmoor National Park 2016 Geocoin on the Dartmoor Geocaching Website