ENIGMA Geocoin

This geocoin was produced for the ‘Enigma Coin Challenge’ (GC1851B) geocache and give respect to the British and Allied Forces cryptographers. It has been included in the database due to Enigma code being broken by Alan Turing in Milton Keynes.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Polished Silver and Matt SilverRE350Material: Metal
Size: 44mm
Depth: 3.5mm
Prefix: PC
Year: 2007
Designer: The Mars Bars
Producer: The Caching Place
Antique Bronze and ChromeLE25Material: Metal
Size: 44mm
Depth: 3.5mm
Prefix: PC
Year: 2007
Designer: The Mars Bars
Producer: The Caching Place

At the centre of Side A is an Enigma plaque with some encrypted code around the outside. Side B has the settings for the enigma machine and at the centre the reverse of the enigma plaque with the question “Can you break the code?”, enigma caching website address and trackable code. The trackable icon is the letter “E” from the Enigma plaque.



Icon Figure
ENIGMA Geocoin on The Caching Place Website
Enigma Coin Challenge Mystery Cache Page on the Geocaching.com Website
ENIGMA Geocoin on the Enigma Caching Website
ENIGMA Geocoin on the  Kleine Geschichten aus den ersten Geocoinjahren Wesbite