Merlin’s Circle Geocoin

This geocoin is included as it represents Merlin.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique Silver
(Aquamarine Enamel)
RE90Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Antique Silver
(Black Enamel)
RE90Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Antique Silver
(Red Enamel)
RE90Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Antique Silver
(Purple Enamel)
LE35Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Antique Silver
(Orange Enamel)
LE35Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Satin GoldXLE
40Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Geocache Land and Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs
Antique Bronze
(Green Enamel)
AE20Material: Metal
Size: 50mm
Depth: 4.25mm
Prefix: VE
Year: 2016
Designer: Geocache Land and Visual Euphoria Designs
Producer: Visual Euphoria Designs

Side A shows Merlin the wizard with jewelled staff casting a spell under a tree and surrounded by the six basic principles: motion, matter, elements, transformation, mind and time. Side B shows the principles displayed in Merlins life circle referred to as “Merlin’s Circle”, surrounding the eternal circle of love. The trackable code is on the side of the geocoin and the trackable icon is of Merlin.



Icon Figure
Merlin’s Circle on the Geocache Land Website
Merlin’s Circle Geocoin on the Geocaching Forum Website
Merlin’s Circle Geocoin in The Addicted Geocoin Group Facebook Page