UK Geocoin Database Geocoin

This geocoin was produced to represent the UK Geocoin Database.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Satin GoldRE40Material: Metal
Size: 38mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2022
Designer: UK Geocoin Database and Rainbow Caching
Producer: Rainbow Caching
Antique GoldLE
15Material: Metal
Size: 38mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2022
Designer: UK Geocoin Database and Rainbow Caching
Producer: Rainbow Caching
Polished Black NickelLE
15Material: Metal
Size: 38mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2022
Designer: UK Geocoin Database and Rainbow Caching
Producer: Rainbow Caching
Antique CoperLE
15Material: Metal
Size: 38mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2022
Designer: UK Geocoin Database and Rainbow Caching
Producer: Rainbow Caching
Satin SilverLE
15Material: Metal
Size: 38mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: UK
Year: 2022
Designer: UK Geocoin Database and Rainbow Caching
Producer: Rainbow Caching

The name of the database, website address and British Isles are shown on Side A. Side B is loosely based on the first UK Geocoin, which shows the British Isles surrounded by sea. The edge of the geocoin on Side B includes the year the database launched 2023 and trackable code.



Icon Figure