Kendall Wedding Coin

This is the personal geocoin of geocachers Graham_K and Awatsonclan to celebrate there wedding.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique SilverRE50Material: Metal
Size: Not Known
Depth: Not Known
Prefix: Not Known
Year: 2011
Designer: Graham_K, Awatsonclan and Oakcoins
Producer: Oakcoins

Side A has a cross with love heart in the background and two rings entwined around the cross, it also has the text “geocaching bringing people together” and stars around the outside. Side B has the geocaching logo at the centre and around the perimeter are stars and trackable code. The trackable icon is to the same design as Side A of the geocoin.



Icon Figure
Kendall Wedding Coin (Producer and Geocacher Names) on the Website
Kendall Wedding Coin (Year and Picture) on the Website
Kendall Wedding Coin (Qty) on the Website