7th UK Mega 2014 Attendee Coin

This geocoin was produced for the ‘UK Mega Event 2014 – Ayrshire and Arran’ mega event.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique SilverRE
(Tracking Codes)
Material: Metal
Size: 45mm
Depth: 3mm
Prefix: SC
Year: 2014
Designer: Not Known
Producer: Not Known

Side A shows a a man and woman riding a grey horse, around the perimeter is the text “tam o shanter” and “o tam had’st thou but been sae wise”. Side B shows Robert Burns and the name of the Burns Museum, at the bottom is the trackable code and the top has the name of the mega event. The geocaching icon is Ayrshire surrounded by a ring making up the colours of Ayrshire.



Icon Figure
Trackable List on the Geocaching Website