Robert Burns 2009 Geocoin

This geocoin was produced for the ‘Mega Scotland: The UK’s 3rd Mega event’.

Side ASide BIconFinishEditionQuantityDescription
Antique SilverRE175Material: Metal
Size: 48mm
Depth: 3.5mm
Prefix: SC
Year: 2008
Designer: Landsharkz
Producer: Landsharkz
BronzeLE75Material: Metal
Size: 48mm
Depth: 3.5mm
Prefix: SC
Year: 2008
Designer: Landsharkz
Producer: Landsharkz

Robert Burns is seen on Side A accompanied by his name and the number 250 years, also is the phrase Son of Scotland and the year he was born. Side B shows the trackable code at the bottom, with a phrase from “Auld Lang Syne” a song written by Robert Burns and above a thistle, the national flower of Scotland. The trackable icon is a colour image of Robert Burns.



Icon Figure
Robert Burns 2009 Geocoin on the Geocaching Forum Website