This geocoin is included in the database as it was part of the fundraising for Piratemania 14 (2022) Pirates Pudding & Tarrrt’s mega event.
A pirate themed geocoin featuring the name of the event, mega icon, skulls and cross bones are on Side A. A pirate with ships wheel, skull and coloured jewels spilling from a treasure chest are on Side B. The trackable code is on Side B. The trackable icon a treasure chest full of gold coins.
Icon Figure
Piratemania 14 (2022) Pirates Pudding & Tarrrt’s Mega Event Page on the Geocaching Website
Coin 6 Piratemania 14 (2022) Antique Nickel EDITION on the Piratemania Website
Coin 6 Piratemania 14 (2022) on the Piratemania Facebook Page